The interactive web project explores the use of p5js, allowing us to create custom and unique animations for our websites. I really enjoyed working with the p5js software because it opened my eyes to new techniques for coding. The p5 website is also a great tool for learning and exploring different lines of code that can completely change how a person interacts with your website. The point of the project was to create a website that gets users to interact with text from a book or passage of our choosing. This was fun because the text has a big influence on the entire vibe of your website. I chose the text from this article called ‘the critique of design’ under the section called ‘dark design’. This text really stood out to me when I was reading it the first time because I feel like my work as a designer sometimes addresses the darker side of things, not always the happy bright stuff designers are expected to do. This was a challenging project, but it pushed me to think differently about digital media design and coding. 
My favorite part of this project was seeing all the amazing animations and interactions my classmates made on their websites. It was honestly inspiring to see how people research and adapt the code to their own work.

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